What's Your Favorite Lake

It's lake season! There's just something very peaceful about spending some quality time in each Spring and Summer at one of our beautiful lakes around the Capital Region and the North Country, and everyone has a favorite lake. Maybe it's a lake that your family or a relative has a house or summer camp on that you have been visiting for pretty much your whole life and making memories with your family, relatives and friends. Oh the memories, the cookouts, the boat rides. It never gets old. I have been spoiled to grow up so close to Lake George, and other beautiful lakes with the backdrop of the Adirondack Mountains like Glen Lake, Schroon Lake, Brandt Lake, Hedges Lake.. but my all time favorite is Hadlock Pond. I have family that has lived there for years and it is the one place we always seem to get back together at now that they are all grown up and spread all over the country. Lakes in the North Country are truly the place where memories are made for lifetimes. 

Photo by Bill Alexy on Unsplash

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